Learning Solutions

Why TAL?
Features of TAL


TALs mandate ranges from conceptualization of the material to implementation in the CDs, from the dilemmas of trainees of different backgrounds to the visualization of concepts. TAL uses multimedia-based training experiences to supplement traditional course experiences and also to create non-traditional experiences.

There are a number of features that complement the use of TAL. Some of them are related to beliefs that Technology Associated Learning practices:
  • Are inherently "good".

  • Make the delivery of education more cost effective.

  • Open up possibilities of reaching one and all.

  • Offer trainees more control over when and where they interact with "knowledge".

  • Offer trainees richer, more diverse learning resources.

  • TAL is the online delivery of information, communication, education, and training.

  • TAL provides a new set of tools that can add value to all the traditional learning modes-classroom experiences, textbook study, CD-ROM, and traditional computer based training.

  • Old-world learning models don't scale to meet the new world learning challenge. TAL provides the tools needed to meet that challenge.

  • TAL does not replace the classroom setting, but enhances it, taking advantage of new content and delivery technologies to enable learning.

  • In TAL, the learners, as well as the mentoring system, are held accountable.

  • Retention for a learner varies, based on content type and the delivery vehicle. The better the match of content and delivery vehicle to a learner's style, the greater the retention, and therefore the greater the results.
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